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14岁开始演话剧,45年到上海拍电影,49年到香港,作品有《海誓》(1949)、《半下流社会》(1957)等。六十年代中息影,定居温哥华至今。参演影片红楼梦逃出珊瑚海Escape from coral cove好男好女Good men, good women魔鬼天堂Crooks\\\\\\\' heaven斗气小神仙Puppy love乱世恩仇三文治Double decker唐伯虎与秋香Three winning smiles歌女红菱艳Tears of songstress半下流社会Halfway down春情烈火Girl on the loose寒蝉曲Asong to remember碧血黄花The 72 martyrs of Canton闺房乐Meal time富贵花Miss Millionaire杨娥Theheroine孽海情天Sorrowful glory冲天小子Path of glory漫画威龙Fist of fury 1991 II奸人鬼Afriend from inner space仲夏夜之恋Midsummer night\\\\\\\'s romanceG4特工Option zero逃学外传To miss with love碧云天Blue sky魔鬼天使Amnesty decree情人的眼泪Lover\\\\\\\'s tears烈火青春Nomad机BOY小子之真假威龙Game kids缘份游戏May be next time热血最强Task force银海笙歌Stand up and cheer漫画奇侠A tale from the East最佳男朋友Perfect match杀手的童话A tale of killing and romance新精武门一九九一Fist of fury 1991国产雪蛤威龙Combo cops开心勿语Trouble couples勾魂艶曲Song of romance彩凤还巢虎口余生虎胆女儿红Widow warriors旺角的天空Man wanted方世玉续集Fong Sai Yuk II小心间谍To spy with love上天救命Heaven can help闺怨Always in my heart人海奇女子Her secret past蔷薇处处开孽缘Mirror of sin雾香港欲魔新娘万岁一本漫画闯天涯II之妙想天开My hero II海誓92黑玫瑰对黑玫瑰92 the legendary la rose noire九一神雕侠侣Saviour of the soul虎落平阳The tiger and the dog月儿弯弯照九州The goddess and the devil红玫瑰Redrose

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